


就像财务计划和运营对任何公司来说一样重要, 确保成功需要的不仅仅是金钱. Startups and smaller companies typically do not need a full-time chief financial officer, so many are turning to part-time CFOs as a cost-effective solution to get vital financial advice. However, not all part-time CFOs offer broader business expertise to help 发展你的公司.

A business-minded CFO thinks differently because they are a business advisor as well as a financial accounting and reporting expert. They take a holistic view, understanding that business operations and finance are inseparable. 你不仅得到正确和有用的财务报表, but you also get invaluable insights based on their experience for daily decision-making and future planning.


一个值得信赖的顾问会支持你. They share facts, even when they may be uncomfortable, and give you straightforward advice. 他们可以帮助 战略规划, 风险缓解, 创造的关系, and sharing insights to compare yourself against others in your industry. They serve as a sounding board for the CEO and a supportive ally when challenges arise.

Here are some examples of how the right part-time or fractional CFO with a business mindset and experience can help strengthen your company.


A trusted advisor should be a neutral arbiter–someone who works for you and no one else. You need impartial guidance and recommendations based on your goals and priorities, not someone who tries to steer you in a specific direction or to other advisors you may not want or need. 例如, 投资者可能希望你去找他们的律师, 但律师会把投资者的最大利益放在心上, 不一定是你的.

A part-time CFO who does not bring those inherent conflicts to the table can come in and have hard conversations with you upfront. They will advise you about what to watch for so you do not inadvertently give up control. 例如,把事情写下来. But do not sign contracts that limit your ability to act in the future–an issue especially common in the startup world. 你现在所做的事情的后果是什么? 只要你签了字,你就承诺了.


有商业头脑的首席财务官能看到更大的前景, marrying business goals and financial practices in a future-looking approach that goes beyond the realm of accounting. 你告诉他们你的战略计划是什么, then they will model that to determine if your finances match your appetite for your strategy. 你能达到目标利润率吗? This type of modeling may show that you will need a working capital loan or more equity. They can also determine how much leverage (level of debt) you can withstand.  


经常, CEOs embark on a particular course of action only to discover later that they’ll have to carry a lot of receivables or a lot of inventory and they don’t have the wherewithal to achieve that goal. 寻求有商业头脑的首席财务官的帮助, 部分还是部分, 能帮你思考细节,让你变得更坚强吗, 更切实可行的决定,让你的公司按照你的设想发展.

They will walk you through future-looking financial modeling to see if you really can get to your target margins. 要实现这一目标需要什么? 相关债务水平是否可以承受? 相反,该模型可能显示你的现金流可以维持运营. 你不需要钱,所以没有必要筹集股本.


Many startup CEOs, especially, are running their business but are not necessarily finance experts. 每个企业都面临挑战, 但即使出了严重的问题, 没有必要按下紧急按钮. Bringing in a business-minded CFO can help you calmly develop a rational approach to tackle an issue.  

例如, what if your co-founder or a key investor leaves and your funding leaves with them? 你又开始自力更生了吗? 你打算怎样使生意继续下去? A CFO can use modeling to determine the absolute minimum you can get by in the near term. 然后, 看看你想加速的愿望清单, they can help you make the right decision and get the help you need to follow through.


How is your business doing, and how do you compare to other companies in your industry? How can you afford to achieve the growth benchmarks you have set for your company? A CFO backed by a team with broad business experience can help improve your benchmarking to make better-informed, 更及时的决策.

关注重要的里程碑——特定的客户级别, for example–tells you when you will be able to afford something you need. 也许是另一名员工,或者另一辆送货车. Those are very small-scale examples, but the concept is the same for every business. 你请来的首席财务官应该看看你的计划, 了解你的现金流, and model it so you can see when you hit certain milestones you can take the desired next steps. That includes milestones necessary to get bank financing or apply for some type of government program.

The CFO can analyze financial statements and rework them if needed so they reflect industry norms–where you put depreciation, 一定的管理费用等. 这样,你就有数据来 准确评估毛利率等. 将你的公司与同行业的其他公司进行比较. 例如, professional services firms typically should have a 40% gross margin, 20% SG&A成本,以及20%的EBITDA或营业利润. 


A part-time CFO with a business-oriented mindset concentrates on business strategy and financial management, emphasizing expertise in these domains rather than the intricacies of product or service offerings within your business. Collaborating with an accomplished part-time or fractional CFO is recommended, as it enhances the quality of counsel and aligns with your professional experience. Opting for an individual possessing robust business finance acumen coupled with industry-specific experience ensures the provision of high-caliber, 相关的答案, 和指导.




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